Hairstyling Tips: The “Dirtier” the Better. Say what?

Put down the shampoo and bring out the hot tools. One of the biggest tips I offer my clients is to NOT wash their hair the morning or night before their event and to show up with “dirty” hair. Why you may be asking? Well, you ever notice how your hair is much easier to …
Makeup Sanitization & Disinfection

Even if you aren’t a Makeup Artist, you should still practice makeup sanitization and disinfection procedures for your personal makeup. Clean: Remove all visible dirt and debris Sanitize: to free from dirt, germs, etc., as by cleaning or sterilizing Disinfect: to clean (something), especially with a chemical, in order to destroy bacteria. Bacteria, germs, and …
Touch Up Bag Must Haves
My Top 4 Makeup Must Haves to Keep in your Touch Up Bag 1. Translucent Powder – to control oil and shine, apply a small amount in a patting motion on the t-zone area (nose, forehead & chin).My favorite: MAC Blotting Powder 2. Blotting Sheets – use before powdering to absorb excess oils your pores …